Tuesday, 15 May 2012

30 Financial Tips That Women Should Know By Age 30

When we're young, we often think about 30 as the age when we need to have it all figured out. However, when that birthday is approaching, it can seem like we're not nearly as far into adulthood as we might hope. We may think that there are certain pieces of knowledge we ought to have at this point in our lives. If you're approaching this age, or want to start preparing early, here is a list of things that you should know. If you're past 30, it's never too later, find out what you need to catch up on.

30 Pieces of Financial Knowledge That Women Should Know By 30
  • A woman can make it on her own financially, even if she doesn't have to.
  • You need to keep your finger on your finances, even if you have a significant other who handles them.
  • How you can deal with a personal financial crisis, like suddenly losing your job.
  • How to make a budget and how to stick to it.
  • How to set up an emergency fund and how to keep it full.
  • How to read a bank statement and how to complain when something on it is wrong.
  • How long it will take you to pay down any credit cards you have paying only the minimum balance.
  • How debt collection and bankruptcy work, even if you're in a good financial place.
  • How to get your taxes done every year without going crazy.
  • How to establish credit in your own name, even if you also share credit cards with a spouse.
  • How much risk you're prepared to tolerate in terms of investments.
  • That you're going to need money for retirement at some point and you'll need strategies to save for it.
  • How you're going to make up for any time you spend out of the work force, at least in terms of retirement.
  • How much having a family costs, even if kids aren't in the cards.
  • What legal protections are out there specifically for women, like whether your state has laws guaranteeing you maternity leave.
  • How to negotiate a raise, even if it feels like you shouldn't ask for more money.
  • How to leave a job you hate, preferably with another one lined up.
  • How to get a copy of your credit report and how to dispute incorrect information on it.
  • What cosigning a loan means - and when to refuse to do it.
  • How to recognize the signs of identity theft and how to address them.
  • What the pros and cons of owning a house versus renting an apartment.
  • What your parents' retirement plans are and whether you're going to need to help them.
  • Who is responsible for you and your finances if something makes you incapable of taking care of yourself.
  • How to reach a lawyer, an accountant and an insurance agent, even if you don't routinely need their help.
  • How to negotiate a big purchase (like a car or a house), even when the other side underestimates you.
  • How to sell something you don't need any longer.
  • What it would take for you to start your own business, even if you're not ready to make the leap.
  • What your options for health insurance are and how to make the most of them, even when they're bad.
  • Where to get financial information and advice that you trust.
  • What your financial priorities are and what's the next step you need to take to reach them.
The Bottom Line
There aren't always classes you can take for learning these things. You may need to go figure out how to learn some of these things yourself, because they make a world of difference in how you can get from the ramen-every-night college era to something much better. Each of us will make very different financial decisions over the course of our lives, but having this knowledge will make those decisions much easier.

Source: Investopedia

Friday, 11 May 2012

5 Ways To Get Lucky

Look for the silver lining
It is inevitable that some people seem to get more luck than others, but should we just wait to see if luck strikes for us or take matters into our own hands? We can help ourselves a lot by looking for the silver lining in a negative situation. If you focus on the negatives you are only going to cloud your judgement on the solution, so adopt a more positive outlook on the situations in your life and you will feel better about how to handle them and begin to assume a lucky mentality. Change your thoughts and luck will follow.

Be on the lookout for new opportunities
Very rarely do opportunities for luck present themselves; when they do it’s fantastic, but the chances are this is not going to occur. Nine out of 10 times things happen because we make them happen, so why not take some calculated risks to increase your opportunities. Take smaller risks at first and if they pay off you can increase them.  You should always be on the lookout for new prospects, whether it is in the workplace or in your social life. Keep your eyes and ears open as you never know what’s just around the corner and you don’t want to miss out!

Cut loose your anxieties
Individual hang ups can hold us back from doing everyday tasks in our lives. Adopt the mantra: ‘what’s the worst that could happen?’  Don’t let your anxiety get the better of you; your mind is very powerful and anxiety is just a learnt behaviour. Sometimes putting yourself in a stressful situation is OK and to explore new paths in life is essential. Sitting back is all well and good if you’re willing to watch the world go by, but the more open you are to new opportunities the more you’ll increase your chances of luck, so let go of that anxiety and go for it!

Trust your instincts
People who make quick decisions can be led by their intuition. Your gut instinct is more than likely correct; how many times have you been stuck in a situation where you knew things weren’t right from the off, but still carried on and things have turned sour? Listening to yourself can really help you make the right decisions.  So how can you become more intuitive? Take some time for yourself, relax in the bath or go for a walk and clear your head.  Spending time with yourself will help you understand your thoughts clearly; that way when the next decision has to be made you will know exactly what you think and you can manage the situation with a clear decisive answer.

Learn how to deal with bad luck
The way we deal with bad luck can be detrimental to how we view our lives. A pessimistic person can always see the bad in everything, and to dwell constantly on the bad will inevitably get you down in the dumps.  Try to put a positive spin on all the bad situations you find yourself in; focusing what could have made that situation worse will give you that pick up to see you through the rough patch. It isn’t possible to always be happy and positive about everything or everyone in your life, but making a concerted effort to have a happier and brighter outlook on life will make you appreciate the luck you already had in your life that you didn’t notice.

Source: RealBuzz

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

7 Ways To Spring Clean Your Life

Clean up your relationships
Many of us cling on to friendships and relationships well past their use-by date, believing that quantity is more important than quality when it comes to the people in our lives. However, if you are holding on to relationships that no longer make you feel good, it may be time to let them go. If you think you may just be going through a rough patch then it is worth talking things through with your partner or friend; however, if they have been bringing you down for a while and there’s no resolution in sight, it may be time to focus on those people who make you happy instead.

Dust off your talents
From ballet classes to music lessons, children are always rushing about from one activity to the next. Yet as we get older, many of us abandon the hobbies and interests we used to love in favour of a growing list of chores and obligations. To add some fun back in to your routine, try starting up an activity again that you used to enjoy or be good at. If you find that your passion is no longer there then move on to something else – with so many hobbies out there to try, you’re sure to find something that you enjoy.

Straighten out your finances
If you want to start afresh with a clean slate and a clear mind, one of the best things you can do is to get your finances in order. While it may be scary to assess your financial situation, going on in ignorance will only cause your worries to eat away at you and may even lead to a worse situation further down the road. Bite the bullet and, if necessary, set yourself a budget for the next few months or so. Make a plan to cut down on anything that you don’t need to be splurging on, such as your morning cup of coffee or that fancy store-bought lunch.

Declutter your mind
Many of us harbour negative emotions over time such as anger, jealousy and hatred; however these emotions are not only worthless, they can also be detrimental to your health and happiness. Try to realise that these feelings aren’t adding anything to your life and let go of any negative emotions or grudges you have been holding. Also, find a method to deal with any anxiety and stress, such as through yoga, meditation or counselling.  Remember that worrying won’t change the future; it will only ruin the present.

Clear your schedule
How are you spending your time? Is it on things worth spending it on? The truth is that many of us go through our lives wasting precious hours on things that don’t matter and then complaining that we can’t fit in things that do. Rather than letting your time slip away unnoticed, mentally go through your week and work out how you spend your time, writing down everything you do and how long you spend on it. Once you have your week written out in front of you, you can identify how to maximise your hours, what to cut back on and how to make room for more valuable activities.

Spruce up your diet
Whether due to lack of inspiration or habit, we often end up eating the same meals over and over with little variation in our diets. However, repeatedly sticking to the same foods may mean that you are missing out on certain nutrients and it will also lessen your enjoyment of meals. To liven up your mealtimes and boost your inspiration for cooking, try experimenting with different foods you have never tasted and interesting new recipes. If you are a snackaholic this may be the perfect time to start sampling some healthy replacements for those biscuits and crisps!

Get rid of clutter
While you’re dusting off the other areas of your life it’s a great time to have a traditional spring clean and clear out any household clutter. Throw away or give to charity anything you don’t use anymore (including clothes you’ve been waiting for years for the “right occasion” to wear!), clear your kitchen cupboards of junk food and re-arrange the furniture to freshen up your home. Not only will this give you space for more useful things, but decluttering your home can also boost your mental health.

Keeping Your Pearly Whites In Top Shape

One of the most unattractive things is discolored teeth, and it is also the most difficult to hide. No matter how beautiful your face is, yellow teeth can turn off people in an instant.

As we get older, the outer layer of our tooth enamel starts to wear off, exposing the inner layer which is a more yellow tone compared to the top layer’s white color. Once the top layer wears off, the only thing 
one can really do is get it professionally whitened so dental experts really suggest that you don’t do things that will remove that layer in the first place.

Smoking is one of the biggest culprits of teeth discoloration as the nicotine stains the teeth and is very difficult to remove. If you are a long time smoker, you may notice that the back of your bottom front teeth have brown stains on them. Another culprit can be found in your mug-coffee! Tea, dark colored soda and wine are also contributors to tooth discoloration and staining. Once it is already there though, what can we do to remove it and bring back our sparkling smiles?

Professional whitening. You can ask your dentist about tooth whitening although be warned that it is a bit pricey. If you can afford the multiple sessions than why not. It is probably the most effective and also safest way to get your pearly whites back in shape. Another thing to remember is when going through professional tooth whitening, you will only be allowed to eat white foods or food with no color. So even pasta with tomato-based sauce will be a no-no for a while.

Whitening toothpaste. These don’t contain bleach, but have a certain percentage of mild polishing agents and abrasives which help remove stains found on your teeth’s surface. It won’t change your teeth from gray-ish or yellow to white but will help take out the hard to remove stains.  With prolonged use, you will see a difference.

Brush ASAP. Brush your teeth immediately after eating food and drinks that can stain your teeth. Aside from coffee, tea and soda-fruit juices, berries and beets can also stain teeth so remember to drink lots of water and brush right after.

Quit smoking. This seems obvious for more reasons than just keeping your teeth from turning yellow but it’s easier said than done, especially for long-time smokers. If your health and the physical appearance of your teeth are starting to suffer though, maybe it’s time to rethink that next cigarette.

Invest in an electric toothbrush. many dentists will agree that electric toothbrushes work better than manual ones as they are designed to clean more than just your teeth’s surface area. 

Brush well and regularly. While this seems like a no-brainer, pause and think about those nights out when you are too tired to do anything than fall into bed and sleep. Brushing for at least 2 minutes every time is recommended to remove all the germs and dirt from your teeth. Twice a day is the minimum requirement but after every meal is preferable. Flossing once a day (at bedtime) is also suggested.

Top 5 Tips To Clear Your Head

Sometimes you can have days or even weeks when you have so much on your mind that you're never quite able to get focused. It's at times like these that you'll need to do some serious decluttering!

Decluttering your mind is about clearing your head so you can focus more on the important things. Aside from making a list and trying to get organized, here are tips to help you clear your mind of any 'excess baggage', so that you will be able to focus more on the things that are of the greatest importance.

1. Let go of negativity
It's you and you alone who is in charge of what goes through your mind—but somehow many of us allow ourselves to become bogged down with negative thoughts. If you go around thinking negatively all the time, then you're never going to be in a particularly good mood—so it's best to let go of negative thoughts whenever possible, as it will relieve your mind of excessive stress. After all, if something has made you mad, what good is there in stewing over it all day?

2. Learn to say 'no'
Some people just can't say no, and always say 'yes' when they have been asked to do favours for others or have been offered an invitation. If you've already got enough on your plate then don't be tempted to add to it. So, if a work colleague asks you to do something, always think about whether or not it's practical for you to take the task on board. And there will surely be one or two things that you can say 'no' to in other areas as well. Sometimes if you just keep saying yes to something, it becomes a habit, and you very often get stuck with doing it — so train yourself to say 'no' when you need to.

3. Avoid interruptions
If your head is swimming with things to be done and you're getting interrupted frequently, you'll probably be getting nowhere and feel like your mind is in overload. Interruptions can cause your productivity to plummet, so try to avoid them whenever possible. For example, if you've got something particularly important to do for work, then consider working from home if you're allowed to do so, as you'll be able to avoid the majority of interruptions that may usually occur in your workplace. Simple things such as closing your office door—a sign to people that you don't want to be disturbed—will also help you to avoid interruptions.

4. Just do it!
One of the worst things for cluttering up your mind is putting off tasks that you have to do. They just sit there in your head and niggle away so you can never quite concentrate on another task that you are doing at the time. So, our advice is to just do whatever it is you need to do as soon as possible—so you can get it out of your mind and focus on the next task. If you don't do this, you'll often put more energy into thinking about doing something than actually doing it! And remember: it's amazing how quickly you can do something once you finally commit yourself to doing it.

5. Take a break
Some people just seem unable to give themselves a break — and by doing so they become more and more bogged down, so that eventually they can't think straight and end up making mistakes. Taking a few minutes away from your current task or activity will help you to clear your thoughts and then come back more refreshed and with a greater clarity of thinking. A short break between tasks will make you far more productive than if you just attempt to wade through one consecutive task after another.

Taking control of your mind
If you follow some of these tips then you'll soon find yourself back in control of your own mind, and your head will no longer be full of extraneous clutter and excessive information. By writing things down as they come up, and by taking action as soon as you can, you can successfully declutter your mind — and you'll then have more opportunities to think more productive thoughts!